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Tampa Bay Film - Reviews - Film Festival Reviews - Fandomonium In Tampa Bay 001 -




Fandomonium in Tampa Bay Event and Film Festival 001
Introduction 01. Introduction
The Journey into fandom begins 02. The Journey into fandom begins
The story of the swag bag 03. The story of the swag bag
Role call 04. Role call
Independent film screening 05. Independent film screening
Interviews 06. Interviews
Photography shoot, closing and event score card 07. Photography shoot, closing and event score card

Fandomonium in Tampa Bay 001
Sunday, June 22, 2014

The story of the swag bag


Two days before, on Friday the 20th, I spent a great deal of time at my local Walmart looking for a large bag with Fandomonium in Tampa Bay. Click to return to the beginning of the review here on Tampa Bay Film.which I could carry the things that I acquired at film festivals. This had been an ongoing problem over the years covering film festivals, where independent filmmakers sold things from tables, but there was nothing to carry all of the swag in. Why the organizers could never manage to provide swag bags (even plastic bags from a store would be fine!) at local film festivals was beyond me, and the fact was that by NOT providing swag bags, they were hurting sales of anything being marketed and sold there. This time, however, I planned on buying my own swag bag to bring, as I had a long list of independent film DVD’s to buy, as well as anything else that I was interested in.
I used to think that I knew where everything at Walmart was, because I love that store and buy a lot of things there. I was wrong. Finding a sachel swag bag was a bitch, even after asking associates who pointed me to backpacks and computer cases, which were hardly ideal (although a backpack might work, and I DO need a new computer case, since the one which I use for my laptop is worn out, literally). I ended up getting a large paper bag from the kiddie party section near the greeting cards. I finally found what I was looking for, though, ironically, as I was checking out, as they had those large collapsible canvas cloth shopping bags at the front of the store. So, I ended up ditching the overpriced paper bag with handles at the register and bought a nice cloth bag with handles for a few dollars more (NOTE: Recently, I discovered that stores such as Barnes and Noble had more expensive Messenger Bags, normally used for books, which are vastly superior swag bags, as they are built of superior materials such as leather, and have flaps which help contain the items carried in them. They also have straps. They are priced reasonably, too, at around $50.00, although it is over five times what I paid for my Walmart swag bag. I will be investing in one of those, soon. Hey, I don't know everything, and I am learning. Also, I will still be investing in Tampa Bay Film branded swag bags which I can hand out at film festivals and events, which will be given to people with Tampa Bay Film cards and other swag already in them. I may even order ones branded and customized specifically for events, which will make them collector's items). Score!
I was now ready to buy stuff at the event.
Regardless of the preparation that I did, however, there is still the issue that these film festivals and events don’t have swag bags, and this is inexcusable when they have tables peddling wares. My film festivals and events will all have swag bags, and those swag bags will be branded with the event name and web site URL (I would imagine that you could order them off of something like Café Press, even. I mean, come on, plastic bags are cheap, even with a printed logo on them! A paper bag with hemp rope handles like you get at some clothing stores would even work, as long as you did not try to smoke the rope!). Still, I have plans. I was not able to do it for this event, but I am going to invest in thousands of Tampa Bay Film branded swag bags to hand out at future film festivals and events. It’s the least that I could do, and it is excellent promotion; instead of just handing out cards, give out useful things that people will not throw away or forget with branding on them. Perfect!
So, did I get good use of my nice, big swag bag? Well....... Read on for that. In short, you could say yes.

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NEXT: Roll call.



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